As a ministry of the Durham Five Oaks Seventh-day Adventist® Church, Adventist Outreach Kids uses to collect monetary donations online. Please follow the instructions below to send in your donation via AdventistGiving.
- Click on the any of the yellow buttons on this page to go to You should arrive at the page for the Durham Five Oaks Seventh-day Adventist Church - Durham, NC. Select One-time donation for a normal donation or Recurring donation to donate automatically on a schedule you choose. (If you choose One-time donation, jump to Step 3. If not, continue on to Step 2.)
2. For a recurring donation, choose a repeat interval (how often you would like to donate) and a start date. Then scroll down to the Local Church section.
3. Under the Local Church section, find (AOK) Adventist Outreach Kids and type in the amount you would like to donate in the input box beside it. If you don't see AOK listed, click the "More Offering Categories" button, and then click the checkbox for (AOK) Adventist Outreach Kids. (Note: the total donation amount must at least be $0.25.)
4. Once you have entered in your donation amount, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Continue button.
5. If you already have an account with AdventistGiving, click the Log in button to login and continue. (If you regularly give your tithe online, you most likely have an account.) If you do not have an account, you can either click the Register button to create an account (perfect if you plan to donate again in the future OR plan to set up a recurring donation) or click the Guest button to proceed without creating an account (best for donating quickly).
To login, enter in your email and password and click the Log in button. Then go to step 6. (You should then be sent to a page similar to the one in step 6.)
If you decide to register for an account, enter in the requested information and click the Register button at the bottom of the form. After completion, you should be sent to a page similar to the one in step 6. Go to step 6.
Finally, if you decide to proceed as a Guest, click the Skip button (unless you would like to fill out any of the optional information). You should be sent to a page similar to the one in step 6.
6. Select your payment method of choice (credit/debit card OR electronic check) and enter the requested information.
Then click the Continue button.
7. You will now be brought to the review page. Review the donation amount and card information presented on this page to make sure that it is correct. If there are any errors, you can click the Back button to fix them. If everything is correct, click the green Confirm payment button.
8. And just like that, you are all done and your donation has been sent! You will be presented with a confirmation page letting you know that your donation has been received. Thank you for donating to AOK!
Why Give?
Dear Friend:
As a Seventh-day Adventist organization, our duty is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His love all over the world. Of course, we can't do this all alone. God makes everything AOK does possible, and we are extremely thankful for His grace and guidance. While God is AOK's Supreme Provider, we still need your prayers and support. With 28 members, 8 Mini Squaders, and counting, along with many programs and activities to plan and host, we really do need support from friends like you. This support includes your love, prayers, and monetary donations. We ask that you give to AOK, as the Lord impresses, to help us as we work to spread the gospel throughout our local community, the cities of Durham and Chapel Hill, and beyond.
Please follow the instructions above to send in your donation to AOK. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at
Thank you for you time, love, generosity, and support.
In His Service,
Adventist Outreach Kids (AOK) Board of Directors